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Create Valuable Products and Technology Create Valuable Products and Technology
Create Valuable Products and Technology Create Valuable Products and Technology
Create Valuable Products and Technology Create Valuable Products and Technology
Create Valuable Products and Technology Create Valuable Products and Technology
Create Valuable Products and Technology Create Valuable Products and Technology

Valuable Products
and Technology


Latest News Release

The growing presence of Kureha's PGA frac plugs in the rapidly changing energy market

The PGA business is positioned as a growth driver in Kureha's Challenge 2020. Here, we introduce Kureha’s activities in the U.S. shale oil market.

Vol 01

Product Groups

Advanced materials supporting pioneering industries

  • Polyphenylene sulfide(PPS)


    Linear PPS which offers mechanical strength, heat resistance, chemical resistance and flame resistance.

  • Polyvinylidene fluoride(PVDF)


    Engineering plastic with an excellent balance of chemical resistance and moldability.

  • Carbon Products

    Carbon Products

    High purity pitch-based carbon fiber abailable in various different forms including thread, felt, sheet and rigid felt.

  • Polyglycolic acid(PGA)

    Polyglycolic acid

    Biodegradable plastic with high mechanical strength and high gas barrier properties.

  • Microsphere


    Originally developed heat expandable microcapsule.

Balancing considerations for people, nature, and industrial advancement

  • Pharmaceuticals


    Medicine to treat chronic renal failure which developed from carbon products technology.

  • Agrochemicals


    Kureha’s original agricultural fungicides are used in world-wide crop fields.

  • Industrial Chemicals

    Industrial Chemicals

    chlorine and caustic soda derived from industrial salt are basis of Kureha’s production.

Making everyday life easier

  • Household Goods

    Household Goods

    Kureha offers products, such as “Kurewrap”, that make kitchen work easier and more convenient.

  • Food packaging film

    Food packaging film

    Kureha provides packaging materials using Krehalon for sausages and other food products.

  • Fishing line

    Fishing line

    Trusted brand of fishing line “Seaguar” supports your fishing by various grades.


R&D is the foundation of Kureha’s status as a technology development company

