Kureha's R&D structure comprises a total of five laboratories and technology centers.
Central Research Center

The Central Research Laboratories comprise the core functions of Kureha's R&D structure. This is where the company’s fundamental technologies― organic synthesis, polymerization, carbon control and advanced analysis and assessment― are continually studied and built up for applications in focus areas such as environment, energy, life science, electrics and mobility. Their activities are broad-ranging, from the creation of advanced materials for use in both essential and cutting-edge industries and the development of safe and reliable agrochemical fungicides to the exploration research for new materials to meet emerging needs in the medical field.
Polymer Processing Research Laboratories

Polymers for packaging are today regarded as essential to everyday life, while advanced polymers continue to drive rapidly evolving industries. Kureha's Polymer Processing Research Laboratories conduct research on various molding techniques to further refine our unique polymers and develop high value-added applications.