Promoting DX

The Kureha Group has positioned promoting digital transformation (DX) as one of the most important measures. Based on the DX infrastructure that we have built up to date, we will enhance our corporate competitiveness by leveraging data and digital technology.
Looking back on the seven years of Kureha DX (KDX) that began in fiscal 2017, we reviewed it from a systemic perspective and established a new DX Center in our headquarters organization in April 2024. Under the strengthened organization, Kureha will work to restart its DX strategy as KDX2.0 from fiscal 2024.
Kureha's DX strategy is not just about streamlining operations through the use of digital technology, but is also about improving management decision-making, maximizing earning power, and promoting innovation by leveraging data and digital technology.


Kureha's DX Vision

In the spirit of "If it doesn’t exist, make it." we will continue to provide new value to our customers with unique and differentiated products by leveraging data and digital technology to improve the productivity and quality of our operations.

Kureha's DX Vision

Management Structure

In April 2024, a Digital Transformation Center was newly established in the headquarters organization and made the Digital Transformation Promotion Department a permanent organization for the DX project we have undertaken to date. The Digital Transformation Center is staffed by the Information Systems Department and Digital Transformation Promotion Department, formulating policies for DX and IT, and unifying and coordinating the activities of both departments. Also, cross-organizational projects and task forces are established as needed to promote company-wide issues in the center.
The Board of Directors receives regular reports on DX-related activities, and supervises those activities.

Purpose and Major Themes

We have established the following purposes to realize Kureha's DX Vision.

  1. Improve management decision-making
    By detecting anomalies (changes in data) from various systems spread throughout the company and quickly identifying signs of change, support advanced and rapid management decisions, such as timely strategy reviews and resource allocation.
  2. Maximize earning power
    We will fundamentally review our business processes, reduce wasteful operations, and aim to reduce costs by increasing efficiency and decreasing manpower through automation and digitalization. In addition, the Company will increase sales and profits by creating new customers and expanding sales.
  3. Promote innovation
    Promote innovation in existing operations, such as R&D and factories, through the use of data and digital technology. In addition, develop an educational foundation to foster human resources capable of achieving these goals.

In accordance with the above three purposes, we have established the following six key DX themes to be promoted in the future.

1. Improve management decision-making

Business management system Monitor ROIC/WACC by business and make appropriate management decisions
Optimization of the supply chain Monitor and optimize production, sales, and inventory. Detect anomalies and respond quickly. Support stable production

2. Maximize earning power

Smart factories Automate factory equipment to reduce manpower and promote reduction of costs, improve production efficiency and quality, and reduce worker workload
Digital marketing Identify potential customers for products, accurately understand customer needs, and provide optimal customer service

3. Promote innovation

Materials informatics Computational science to improve accuracy and speed up the search for new materials
Improve operations with data analysis Data analysis to improve yields and reduce manufacturing defects


Integration of ERP Systems and Operations

The Company's core systems (financial accounting, management accounting, sales management, inventory and purchase management, production management, etc.) had been optimized for each site. The core systems of domestic and Asian Group companies were integrated on the occasion of the introduction of SAP S/4HANA (as of May 2024). At the same time, simple and standardized business processes were developed and deployed to each company. This has led to standardization of data, more efficient and faster collection of consolidated management information, and enhanced management across the group.

Improvement of Business with Intelligence Tools

Business intelligence tools are distributed to each department to support the making of decisions based on data. This has allowed visualization and analysis of data in daily operations to permeate throughout the company. About 70 business applications are in operation in the areas of procurement, production, distribution, sales, and after-sales service, and the number of users is now over 600. They are now indispensable tools for business operations, and have improved operational efficiency and quality.

Enhancement and Improvement of the Efficiency of Production and Operation Management

Iwaki Factory has a number of chemical plants that manufacture our main products. With the introduction of an integrated system to manage operation information, plant operation data that until now could only be checked on-site can now be used in many departments. With this system, it has been possible to speed up the troubleshooting and equipment adjustments due to analysis of operating conditions. Also, the introduction of a system to manage operation has enabled reliable transmission of work instructions and reports, leading to a reduction of about 2,500 hours of work time over about one year since the system was introduced. In the future, we will further strengthen our analysis and improve our quality competitiveness.

Digitalization of Marketing Operations

The company is promoting digitalization in all areas of marketing, including web advertising, web page improvement, marketing automation, and the introduction of sales force automation to improve the quality and efficiency of sales promotion activities in the sales division. For particular products, the number of inquiries increased tenfold after we put advertising on the Web and other significant effects were observed. In addition, the reporting and confirmation of customer contact information has been firmly established, management within the sales department has been strengthened and streamlined, supporting daily sales activities.

Promotion of the Use of Generative AI

We see generative AI (ChatGPT) as a tool that can be applied to a wide range of internal operations and expect it to greatly improve them. We introduced a generative AI system that can be used by all employees, and began using it in December 2023. We are establishing guidelines for use of the system and are promoting its use through internal announcements. Currently, about 60% of employees are using the system in their work, and it is bringing about improvements in such areas as market research, preparation of reports and minutes, translation, and the creation of software programs.